Canary Islands

Escaping to El Hierro

El Hierro is hard to get to – its the last Canary Island before the Americas, Columbus stopped for 17 days on the way apparently (back when El Hierro was the outer reaches of the western world), and El Hierro is the second smallest of the 8 islands. El Hierro – like 6 of the

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Trails in Tenerife 2022

Aaaaah Covid, you have taught me to be infinitely flexible, responsive and on my toes when it comes to holiday plans. A positive covid test for my husband scuppered our Jordan holiday plans, and it didn’t make sense to go to Jordan by myself (as I had been before). Instead, with 48 hours to go

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Gambolling around Gran Canaria

I have completed the GR131 (cross island trails) on four of the Canary Islands – Lanzarote, Tenerife, La Palma and La Gomera, still three more to go ……, and this weekend my buddy Lucy and I are headed to Gran Canaria to knock off no. 5. Day 1 – Agaete to Tamadaba – 1200m up,

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Hiking around La Gomera

I am still injured (Achilles is quite broken) so I am not going anywhere very fast, but I managed to squeeze in a few days hiking late last year after lock down rules eased up and took advantage of the travel corridor from the canaries heading back to the UK. It was a goal of

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Light and fast in Lanzarote

Time for stage three of the GR131 in the Canaries, this time to Lanzarote. Its an easy 75km, so fine to get done over two days. Most of the reviews I read of the trail weren’t amazing, so I have low expectations….. but the canaries haven’t disappointed so far. I landed on Friday night in

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Trails in Tenerife

I am working a few more hours than normal this year, but to ensure I keep sane I have planned monthly hiking trips to get some exercise. This month, I am off to Tenerife to continue the GR131 trail which covers the Canary Islands, which I started doing over Christmas, completing the trail in La

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