I woke up to pee at 4am and was delighted to see the sun coming up! I have learnt to always take a camera on my early morning pee breaks as the light is always magical.
It was a very short day today, 15km with paths that were almost groomed! The path meandered up the lake and I saw lots of fresh faced hikers coming the other way. You can tell it is their first day as they smell like shampoo and deodorant – seriously you can smell people when you have been in the wilderness for awhile. I didn’t want to think about whether or not they could smell me. It was a pretty and tranquil walk
I made it to abisko in 2.5 hours largely motivated by the thought of a big lunch. The last few miles on any long trail is always bittersweet – the upside of wifi, clean clothes, actual toilets that flush, showers and of course loved ones to look forward to offset by the disappointment that it is all over. Oh well nothing much to do but plan the next adventure.
Distance travelled =15km from abiskojaure hut to abisko fjallstation
Total distance = 469 km from hemavan to abisko with a few detours. I am pretty sure I could have done it 2-3 days faster if I gossiped less and hadn’t taken a hypothermia induced rest day at saltuluokta and if the boat times were a bit more frequent. However it was a nice zen pace and my legs are in fine shape now versus how they were at the end of the Alps. In the final tally I lost two toenails, wore out two pairs of socks, and ended up with a big hole in my right shoe. I lost count of the bruises and cuts, but my shins are pretty bashed up and I have a fine set of cuts under my chin :-).
– Would definitely recommend the full trail to any energetic hikers
– Would recommend the northern more populous area to any trail runners as the huts provide all the infrastructure you need so it would be easy to run with less than 3kgs on the back (no tent, stove, food, mattress or sleeping bag required), and I would suggest running from vakkatovare to kebnekaise and then onto abisko as teusajaure is lovely
– My favourite part was the wild section between Ammarnas and Kvikkjokk as there were no people, but Skierffe and the kebnekaise valley are both beautiful.
Am looking forward to coming back to visit the Sareks national park
Tak Sweden!
Awesome work Mel!! Xxx