September 2016

Arches National Park at rush hour

Stupidly I ignored my own advice and we headed up to Arches National Park when we arrived in Moab at lunchtime.  It was like a nightmarish cross between buying  a new kitchen in ikea  and trying to shop on Oxford street on Christmas Eve – a positively vile and overcrowded experience.  We gave up after

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In the White Pocket

We are still in the under-rated Vermilion cliffs national park – a fantastically surreal landscape of reds and pinks and whites – which most people drive past without exploring on their way from the Grand Canyon to Zion or Bryce.  Today we headed out on the rough 4wd road to White Pocket, a stunning area

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Hoodoo-ing in Bryce

It is easy to understand why Bryce is one of the most popular parks in the US.  Most other parks in the US make you work hard to see the best they have to offer – at the Grand Canyon, you really need to go to the river to get the most of the experience

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Wandering through Zion

Get thee to the Zion Narrows – in my opinion one of the top five day hikes in the world….. In a rare turn of events, hubby and I are on a hiking holiday together!   Being French (well Parisian), camping and hiking are not typically high up on his list of preferred activities, so I

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A weekend in Kiev

Kiev – not just famous for the awesome deepfried breadcrumbed chicken with garlic and butter, also a destination to visit for the amazing orthodox architecture and for the more adventurous, the opportunity to visit Chernobyl. I loved Kiev and can’t wait to go again, provided you have a European passport, it is a cheap, lovely

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