July 2016

Packing for 450km in Lapland

The idea of hiking in Swedish lapland has always appealed.  There is tonnes of drinkable water everywhere, you can camp anywhere you like (provided not too close to someone’s house), the daylight goes on until early morning, and in some places there are well equipped huts to sleep in if you are too lazy to

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Off the Beaten Track – Kiribati

Kiribati – one of the least visited countries in the world, less than 5,000 tourists a year!!!!  It definitely felt like it as only 8 of us got off the plane and everyone else was an aid worker. Just to clear up the obvious – it is pronounced Kiribass….  the ‘ti’ is pronounced as ‘ss’,

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Gr5 – Merci Le Francais

Je dois poster au moins une fois en français pour mes compatriotes adoptés!  J’ai passé un moment extraordinaire sur le gr5 /55/52, non seulement parce que les Alpes sont extraordinaires, mais aussi parce que je suis bénie à chaque tournant par la bonté des inconnus. Remerciements spéciaux à : – Manu et Ben qui m’ont « récupérée

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Gr5 Day 12 – Into the Inferno

A lovely 6am still start after a rough night with snoring bunkmates and loud neighbours! I climbed the 1000 metres up to Col de Crousette in blissful solitude, interrupted only by five curious sheepdogs who came to check I wasn’t trying to steal a sheep. After the Col there was a challenging path up the

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Gr5 Day 11 – Hiking poles!

Hiking poles are useful in the mountains for a variety of things – today including being my lip sync mike, my drumsticks and my dancing batons, and maybe lightening catchers  Up and out of the Gite by 6am but I really wasn’t feeling the groove.  My body is holding up ok, although I am having

Gr5 Day 11 – Hiking poles! Read More »

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